I have spent almost all of my adult life standing behind one camera or another. First with a stills camera in the Blackwater Canyon in West Virginia. I was a teenager and followed my grandfather Alvie Goff into the mountains. He left behind a love for nature and the arts. I learned to shoot by taking pictures and then developing my film and prints in a makeshift darkroom in the bathroom. It was a joy!
After shooting commercial work in New York City (and many other places) and tens of thousands of portraits, I moved to the West Coast.
In Los Angeles, I worked in the movie business. This time standing behind a movie camera. It was a great experience. I loved every minute of it. I wrote scripts and later stories and even novels - another creative outlet. It was a glorious time. I lived a life that few could even dream of and I didn't want to waste one second of it. I still look back on those times with a smile.
While working on a documentary for public television I discovered my cameras could become the voice of those oppressed. I witnessed the death and hardships of the homeless for five years. It was a life-changing experience. Suddenly the glitz and glamor of models and money were not so important. I returned to my roots.
With a new outlook on life, it only made sense to have a new outlook for the company. Each day I look forward to the challenge and personal rewards of photojournalism. I firmly believe that we can make a difference for the most vulnerable and oppressed by telling their story.
Today I am often asked, 'What type of a photographer are you?' It's a fair question, in today's world, everyone is a specialist. I have experience in so many different aspects of this craft and have loved all the challenges, so it's hard for me to answer that question. The best answer I could give is "one that works behind the camera," because it seems that is what I was born to do. It's not just a job or a paycheck. It is a part of me or maybe I should say I am a part of it. My lens has witnessed the beauty and the glamor, but also the hardships and death. I hope that it will continue to make a difference.
Now it seems that stills and moving pictures are becoming combined. Advertising is changing, and new and faster ways are being developed to get a message or ad out. Who knows what the future holds for us? Maybe we will open a department that makes films or commercials or find a way to reach a larger audience about social issues using our cameras.
So it doesn't matter if I am shooting a portrait, an advertisement, a film, or glamor at the beach, or the news - I love my job and always want to do my very best for you and me.

I have covered many miles in my 40 years since I started shooting professionally. Learning to shoot in that make-shift darkroom in a bathroom, then shooting portraits (I still remember my first commissioned sitting - was I ever nervous!) finally opening a studio with some space and putting every dime earned into gear and rent.

Today I can look back at thousands of portraits, covering events, shooting ads in New York City, shooting boudoir sets, building a black and white and then color lab, shooting models, moving to Hollywood to work behind a motion picture camera, and then covering the news as a reporter/ photojournalist. I learned how powerful a camera could be. It has been an adventure.

I hope to combine these talents and bring in all under one roof. Goff McCoy Studio now offers

* Drone Services

* Corporate videos

* Executive and family portraits

* Advertising (from layout to finished product or any part thereof)

* Stock photos for your advertising or editorial needs

* Multimedia productions to get your story out to the world

So if you need a mailer, magazine ad, corporate video, headshot, or any of the other skill sets listed then contact me for all your photo/video needs with the form below

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